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Trip Tunes Roadtrip Playlists

Listé dans les catégories:

MusiqueVoyageIntelligence artificielle
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Trip Tunes automagically creates the perfect mixtapes (playlists) for your road trips. No more unraveling cassettes or relying on humans to find cool local music. Let Trip Tunes' tireless robots do the work for you by curating playlists that match the vibe of your trip and explore the local music scene.

Comment utiliser Trip Tunes?

1. Enter trip details and music tastes 2. Let Trip Tunes curate a playlist 3. Preview and edit the playlist 4. Save locally or create on Apple Music

Fonctionnalités principales de Trip Tunes:


Automatically create road trip playlists


Curate playlists based on trip details and music tastes


Preview and edit playlists


Save playlists locally or create them on Apple Music

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Trip Tunes?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Creating customized playlists for road trips
# 2Discovering new artists and songs
# 3Killing road trip boredom

Tarification de Trip Tunes:


Offers In-App Purchases

Développé par Trip Tunes?

Jeffrey Rames is the developer of Trip Tunes, a music app designed to enhance road trip experiences by creating personalized playlists. The app aims to introduce users to new music and artists while providing a seamless music discovery process for travelers.

FAQ de Trip Tunes