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E-mail temporaire avec API Ready

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Temporary Email with API Ready

Comment utiliser TitipEmail?

To use the temporary email service, follow these steps: 1. Generate a disposable email address using the API. 2. Use the API to receive, open, and delete emails from the temporary inbox. 3. Set up your app's SMTP to send emails through the service. 4. Create a custom domain email address and point the MX record to the service's SMTP server.

Fonctionnalités principales de TitipEmail:


Disposable temporary email generation


API for receiving emails


API for opening received emails


API for deleting inbox


SMTP setup instructions


Custom domain support

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé TitipEmail?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Generate disposable email for testing
# 2Receive and view emails through API
# 3Delete inbox for privacy
# 4Test email sending feature in an app
# 5Custom domain email setup

Développé par TitipEmail?

The maker of this temporary email service is focused on providing developers with a developer-friendly API for creating and managing temporary email addresses. They aim to simplify the process of testing email functionalities in applications.

FAQ de TitipEmail