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Générez rapidement votre prochaine idée de produit SaaS avec l'IA

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ThinkForMe is a platform that helps you generate your next million-dollar idea with the power of AI. Quickly come up with SaaS product ideas and eye-catching icons in just seconds.

Comment utiliser Thinkforme!?

Simply input your prompts and let the AI generate ideas and icons for you. Customize and refine as needed to suit your project requirements.

Fonctionnalités principales de Thinkforme!:


AI-powered idea generation


Icon generation


Content generation with GPT-4o and DALLE3


Quick turnaround


Full control over image generation

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Thinkforme!?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Generating SaaS product ideas
# 2Creating custom icons for projects
# 3Quickly starting new projects

Tarification de Thinkforme!:

Standard Plan


Access to idea and icon generation tools

Pro Plan


Advanced features and faster turnaround time

Développé par Thinkforme!?

OpenAI is the maker behind ThinkForMe, utilizing GPT-4o and DALLE3 for content generation.

FAQ de Thinkforme!