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Theme Buddy Figma Plugin

Ce plugin facilite le travail avec les thèmes Ant Design dans Figma. Il offre une fonction d'exportation qui vous permet de sauvegarder les paramètres de thème Figma sous forme de fichiers JSON, facilitant ainsi l'assurance que votre code correspond aux designs Figma. Il dispose également d'une fonction d'importation qui vous permet d'appliquer les paramètres de thème de votre code directement dans Figma.

Listé dans les catégories:

Outils de conceptionOutils de développement
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Theme Buddy for Ant Design is a Figma plugin that simplifies working with Ant Design themes. It offers export and import features to ensure consistency between Figma designs and Ant Design React apps.

Comment utiliser Theme Buddy Figma Plugin?

To use Theme Buddy for Ant Design, install the plugin from the Figma Community. For the Full version, make a one-time purchase for a lifetime license in the Premium or Ultimate package, or opt for a monthly or yearly subscription exclusively for the plugin. Ensure compatibility with Ant Design System for Figma version 5.11 or newer.

Fonctionnalités principales de Theme Buddy Figma Plugin:


Export Theme Settings as JSON


Import Theme Settings from code to Figma

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Theme Buddy Figma Plugin?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Simplifying theme management in Figma
# 2Ensuring design-code consistency in Ant Design projects

Tarification de Theme Buddy Figma Plugin:

Free Version


Try out the Light Theme Export feature

Full Version


Comprehensive features including export options for Light Theme, Dark Theme, and Compact Mode, import options for Light Theme, Dark Theme, and Compact Mode

Développé par Theme Buddy Figma Plugin?

Theme Buddy for Ant Design is a side project started in 2019 by Matt Wierzbicki, a pro Figma design systems designer, and is constantly improved by him.

FAQ de Theme Buddy Figma Plugin