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The E-Paper Smart Display

Invisible Computers propose un bel écran en papier électronique pour votre calendrier numérique et d'autres applications. Le cadre en bois fini à la main s'intègre parfaitement au mur et sur le bureau. Choisissez parmi plusieurs mises en page de calendrier et synchronisez les événements de Google Calendar et d'autres calendriers. Restez organisé et informé sans avoir à regarder constamment votre téléphone.

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The Invisible Smart Display is a beautiful epaper display for your digital calendar and other apps. It allows you to display your digital calendar, pictures, or any website by choosing from a growing catalogue of apps. The electronic paper display is designed to be there when you need it, with a hand-finished wooden frame that looks good on the wall or desk.

Comment utiliser The E-Paper Smart Display?

Set up the display with your phone by choosing the app and configuring its settings. It will then update automatically when things change, day by day and week by week.

Fonctionnalités principales de The E-Paper Smart Display:


Display digital calendar


Display pictures


Display websites


Sync events from Google Calendar


Multiple calendar layouts

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé The E-Paper Smart Display?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Home calendar
# 2Desk calendar
# 3Picture frame

Tarification de The E-Paper Smart Display:

The Invisible Smart Display

$149.00 USD

A smart display for your digital needs

Développé par The E-Paper Smart Display?

Invisible Computers GmbH is the maker of The Invisible Smart Display. They can be contacted via email at or phone at +49 151 59001496. The company is located at Friedhofstr 4d, Flensburg, Germany.

FAQ de The E-Paper Smart Display