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Intégrez des widgets Steam sur votre site Web ou blog. Créez des widgets réactifs, localisables et ajustables pour différentes entités Steam avec seulement quelques lignes de code.

Listé dans les catégories:

Outils de développementGitHubMarketing


Integrate Steam Widgets in your website or blog. Steamwidgets is a clientside web component that offers an easy way to integrate Steam Widgets of various Steam entities into your website. It requires minimal code to render Steam Widgets into your document. Steamwidgets is used via JavaScript, making it platform independent and compatible with all major browsers. The widgets are responsive, localizable, customizable, and easily adjustable.

Comment utiliser Steamwidgets?

Create responsive, localizable, and adjustable widgets for various Steam entities easily with minimal code. Use JavaScript to control the widgets for different situations, set options on initialization, and perform operations on various events.

Fonctionnalités principales de Steamwidgets:


Create responsive, localizable, and adjustable widgets


Integrate Steam Widgets into website or blog


Control widgets using JavaScript


Set options on initialization


Perform operations on various events

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Steamwidgets?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Display game information on a website
# 2Show player profiles on a blog
# 3Feature game workshops on a gaming site

Développé par Steamwidgets?

Steamwidgets is developed by Daniel Brendel in 2024. It is not affiliated with Valve or Steam.

FAQ de Steamwidgets