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Spot Instances Availability Map

Surveillance des coûts Kubernetes

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CAST AI offers Plug-and-Play Kubernetes Cost Monitoring, allowing users to view and monitor their Kubernetes costs in real-time. Users can understand where they are overspending and achieve an average of 60% savings without complicated setup. The tool works straight out of the box and is free to start.

Comment utiliser Spot Instances Availability Map?

To start using CAST AI for Kubernetes cost monitoring, simply connect your cluster. The tool will provide a detailed analysis of your requested and utilized resources or cost per CPU in just 5 minutes. Receive actionable recommendations for optimizing your infrastructure.

Fonctionnalités principales de Spot Instances Availability Map:


Comprehensive K8s cost monitoring and management


Cloud cost visibility


Cost allocation for Kubernetes


Real-time cloud cost monitoring


Cloud optimization insights

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Spot Instances Availability Map?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Keep cloud costs in check with cluster analysis and monitoring
# 2Automated optimization for cost savings
# 3Create a single model for measuring and managing costs across teams and projects

Tarification de Spot Instances Availability Map:


Free for all clusters with no limits on the number or size of clusters. Access historical data and analyze past months without extra charges.

Développé par Spot Instances Availability Map?

CAST AI Group Inc is the maker of CAST AI, a platform designed to help users monitor and optimize their Kubernetes costs efficiently and effectively.

FAQ de Spot Instances Availability Map