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Shopify x Discord Gate

Discord Gate est une application qui s'intègre parfaitement avec Discord pour offrir des remises exclusives en magasin basées sur les rôles Discord des clients. En connectant Shopify avec Discord, les entreprises peuvent ouvrir une nouvelle voie d'engagement et de fidélisation des clients en offrant des remises ciblées adaptées aux rôles individuels au sein de leur communauté Discord. Avec cette solution innovante, les commerçants peuvent débloquer de nouvelles avenues pour l'interaction avec les clients et stimuler les ventes grâce à des incitations personnalisées.

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Shopify x Discord Gate-image-0


Discord Gate app seamlessly integrates with Discord empowering merchants to offer exclusive in-store discounts based on customers' Discord roles. By connecting Shopify with Discord, businesses can open a new way of customer engagement and loyalty, providing targeted discounts tailored to individual roles within their Discord community. With this innovative solution, merchants can unlock new avenues for customer interaction and drive sales through personalized incentives.

Comment utiliser Shopify x Discord Gate?

To use the Discord Gate app, merchants can follow these steps: 1. Install the app in the Shopify admin. 2. Connect the app with Discord to enable exclusive discounts based on roles. 3. Set up multiple product offerings and campaigns. 4. Utilize the Libautech Discord Bot implementation for easy setup. 5. Manage discounts, automations, and campaigns to drive sales and customer engagement.

Fonctionnalités principales de Shopify x Discord Gate:


Unlock exclusive discounts based on Discord roles


Create multiple product offerings campaigns


Easy to set up with Libautech Discord Bot implementation

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Shopify x Discord Gate?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Offer exclusive in-store discounts based on Discord roles
# 2Enhance customer engagement and loyalty through targeted discounts
# 3Drive sales through personalized incentives

Tarification de Shopify x Discord Gate:



10 Lifetime Discord Gated Orders, Connect 1 Discord Server to App, Support for the onboarding process, Access to Discord Community



100 Monthly Discord Gated Orders, Connect 1 Discord Server to App, Styling customization, Priority Support



500 Monthly Discord Gated Orders, Connect 1 Discord Server to App, Styling customization, Priority Support

Développé par Shopify x Discord Gate?

Libautech is the developer behind the Discord Gate app, providing a seamless integration between Shopify and Discord for offering exclusive in-store discounts based on Discord roles. With a team of experienced members, Libautech aims to assist merchants in enhancing customer engagement and driving sales through personalized incentives.

FAQ de Shopify x Discord Gate