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Remind - Body break timer

Restez connecté, restez hydraté, battez la routine de bureau, améliorez la clarté mentale - Une application de productivité avec des rappels pour combattre le mode de vie sédentaire, rester hydraté, prendre des pauses et améliorer la concentration.

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Stay Connected Combat the sedentary lifestyle and boost social connections with timely reminders to connect with loved ones. Stay Hydrated Gentle water reminders ensure you stay hydrated throughout the day promoting overall wellbeing and productivity. Beat Deskbound Routine Desk job Combat memory lapses and stay focused with friendly reminders to take breaks. Enhance Mental Clarity Clear your mind and improve focus by jotting down ideas and goals.

Comment utiliser Remind - Body break timer?

Simply set up the reminders and notifications according to your preferences to start benefiting from the app's features.

Fonctionnalités principales de Remind - Body break timer:


Stay Connected with Loved Ones


Stay Hydrated Throughout the Day


Combat Deskbound Routine


Enhance Mental Clarity

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Remind - Body break timer?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Combat Sedentary Lifestyle
# 2Boost Social Connections
# 3Improve Focus and Productivity

Tarification de Remind - Body break timer:

Annual Plan


Get access for a year with all features included.

Monthly Plan


Subscribe monthly and enjoy the benefits.

Développé par Remind - Body break timer?

Himshikhar Gayan is the developer behind this app, focusing on promoting wellness and productivity through timely reminders and connections with loved ones.

FAQ de Remind - Body break timer