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Pix Me Studio est une application qui vous permet de créer votre avatar unique en PixelArt 2D. Prenez une photo de vous-même ou choisissez-en une et laissez Heristo la pixeliser. C'est parti !

Listé dans les catégories:

Intelligence artificielle
Pix Me!-image-0
Pix Me!-image-1
Pix Me!-image-2
Pix Me!-image-3
Pix Me!-image-4
Pix Me!-image-5
Pix Me!-image-6


Pix Me Studio allows you to design your unique 2D PixelArt Avatar. You can start by taking a photo or choosing a photo of yourself and have it pixelated by the app.

Comment utiliser Pix Me!?

Simply upload a photo or take a new one, choose the pixelation settings, customize your avatar, and save or share the pixelated artwork.

Fonctionnalités principales de Pix Me!:


Design unique 2D PixelArt Avatars


Take or choose a photo for pixelation


Customize pixelated avatars

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Pix Me!?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Creating personalized avatars for social media profiles
# 2Designing pixelated artwork for digital projects
# 3Adding a unique touch to photos with pixel art effects

Tarification de Pix Me!:

Basic Plan


Access to basic features and limited customization options

Pro Plan


Full access to all features and advanced customization tools

Développé par Pix Me!?

Pix Me Studio is developed by Heristop, a team passionate about pixel art and digital creativity.

FAQ de Pix Me!