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Traduction en direct de l'IA pour les églises avec une touche humaine

Listé dans les catégories:

Diversité et InclusionFrançaisIntelligence artificielle


Live AI Translation for churches with a human touch. Our realtime AI translation platform helps create a place where everyone can belong, overcoming language barriers and making church services accessible to the hearing impaired with live captions and translation. The moderation feature enables reaching 100% transcription accuracy with ease.

Comment utiliser OneAccord?

Users can access the translation and transcription using the browser on their mobile device. They can apply custom branding and use a branded URL. The AI models are trained for a church context, enhancing the ability to understand biblical terminology. Users can utilize both written and audio translation, enable moderation for 100% accuracy, and download transcripts after each session.

Fonctionnalités principales de OneAccord:


No download required




Trained for a church context


Written and audio translation available




Download transcripts

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé OneAccord?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Making church services accessible to the hearing impaired
# 2Enhancing understanding of biblical terminology
# 3Improving speech comprehension and interpretation

Tarification de OneAccord:

Monthly subscription


5 hours, 5 languages, 30 listeners

One-off usage


5 hours, 5 languages, 30 listeners

Développé par OneAccord?

OneAccord is dedicated to providing AI translation solutions for churches with a human touch, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility in church services.

FAQ de OneAccord