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MetaSurvey v3

Créez des enquêtes de type Tinder en 5 minutes pour collecter des retours et interagir avec les clients. Essayez-le gratuitement!

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Create swipe surveys in 5 minutes for collecting feedback and interacting with customers. Unlimited surveys, submissions, and questions. Survey translations, import/export from CSV, password protection, GDPR compliant, webhooks, email notifications, QR code, embed on site, conditional logic. 11 game-like question types to encourage customer feedback. Mobile-friendly surveys, widgets, simple survey builder, templates, autosave, visualized data.

Comment utiliser MetaSurvey v3?

To use the product, simply create a survey in 5 minutes using the simple survey builder. Customize the survey with various features like widgets, conditional logic, and question types. Collect feedback from customers and analyze the visualized data for insights.

Fonctionnalités principales de MetaSurvey v3:


Create swipe surveys in 5 minutes


Unlimited surveys, submissions, and questions


Mobile-friendly surveys


Widgets for embedding surveys


Simple survey builder

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé MetaSurvey v3?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Collecting feedback from customers
# 2Interacting with customers for feedback
# 3Market research

Développé par MetaSurvey v3?

The maker of this product is dedicated to providing a user-friendly survey platform for businesses to collect valuable feedback from customers and improve their services.

FAQ de MetaSurvey v3