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InterviewGPT est une plateforme alimentée par l'IA qui permet aux recruteurs de mener des entretiens efficaces et précis. Avec des fonctionnalités telles que la génération de questions personnalisées, un guide de réponses complet, un outil d'évaluation des candidats et des rapports téléchargeables, InterviewGPT offre une solution efficace et précise pour le processus de recrutement.

Listé dans les catégories:

Intelligence artificielleRessources humainesEmbauche


Empowering Recruiters with AI-Driven Interviews. Revolutionize Your Hiring Process with InterviewGPT AI. Powered Question Generation for Accurate Candidate Assessment.

Comment utiliser InterviewGPT?

Enter Job Descriptions to Get AI-Crafted Interview Questions tailored to assess key skills and experience levels. Access well-structured answers and key keywords for each question. Effortlessly mark responses as correct, partially correct, or wrong to streamline the scoring process for each skill. Quantify candidate competency with an automated scoring system based on interview responses. Easily download candidate evaluations and comprehensive reports for record-keeping and analysis.

Fonctionnalités principales de InterviewGPT:


Custom Question Generation


Comprehensive Answer Guide


Candidate Evaluation Tool


Skill-Based Scoring System


Downloadable Reports

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé InterviewGPT?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Time Efficiency
# 2Enhanced Accuracy
# 3Consistency in Interviews

Tarification de InterviewGPT:

Silver Plan

$100 per user per month

AI Resume Matching, AI Assessment Generation, Single User Login. Ideal for Small teams or solo recruiters looking to automate the initial stages of the recruitment process.

Gold Plan

$1000 per user per month

Includes all Silver Plan features, AI Assessment Evaluation, Full Multiuser Login up to 7 users. Ideal for Growing teams requiring deeper analysis and collaboration in their recruitment efforts.

Custom Plan

Tailored solutions to fit your organization's unique needs including advanced integration, unlimited user logins, and priority support.

Développé par InterviewGPT?

Bluetick Consultants LLP

FAQ de InterviewGPT