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Gemma Open Models by Google

Google propose une large gamme de produits et de solutions pour les développeurs, notamment Android, Chrome, Firebase et Google Cloud Platform. Restez informé des dernières actualités et événements en vous inscrivant à la newsletter Google for Developers.

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Gemma Open Models by Google-image-0


Google for Developers offers a wide range of tools and resources for developers to build, grow, and scale their projects. From Android and Chrome development to Firebase and Google Cloud Platform integration, developers can access a comprehensive suite of products to enhance their skills and projects.

Comment utiliser Gemma Open Models by Google?

To get started with Google for Developers, sign up for an account and explore the available products. Follow the documentation and tutorials to learn how to use each tool effectively in your projects.

Fonctionnalités principales de Gemma Open Models by Google:


Android development


Chrome development


Firebase integration


Google Cloud Platform integration

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Gemma Open Models by Google?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Building mobile apps
# 2Creating web applications
# 3Implementing cloud solutions

Tarification de Gemma Open Models by Google:

Free Tier

Access basic features for free

Starter Plan


Unlock additional features for small projects

Pro Plan


Full access to advanced tools and support

Développé par Gemma Open Models by Google?

Google for Developers is a platform created by Google to support and empower developers worldwide. With a focus on innovation and collaboration, Google for Developers aims to provide the necessary resources for developers to succeed in their projects.

FAQ de Gemma Open Models by Google