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FoodSheet vous donne les informations diététiques pour les établissements culinaires les plus populaires du pays.

Listé dans les catégories:

Nourriture et BoissonsRégimeBoire


FoodSheet provides dietary information for the country's most popular culinary establishments, helping users eat with awareness. The platform offers plans for eating out and understanding dietary preferences.

Comment utiliser FoodSheet?

Sign up for a user account to access the Free or Premium plan. Use the platform to find dietary information for various restaurants and make informed food choices.

Fonctionnalités principales de FoodSheet:


Dietary information for popular restaurants


Premium plan for vegan, vegetarian, teetotal, and gluten-free diets


Coverage of all shops for a covered company in the UK

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé FoodSheet?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Making informed food choices while eating out
# 2Finding suitable options for dietary preferences
# 3Saving time in uncertain conversations with restaurant staff

Tarification de FoodSheet:

Free Plan

Premium Plan


Covers vegan, vegetarian, teetotal, and gluten-free diets

Développé par FoodSheet?

FoodSheet is an early-stage product that collaborates with brands and bodies to provide dietary information for users. The platform aims to help individuals eat with awareness and make informed food choices.

FAQ de FoodSheet