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Finroo est une plateforme qui aide les investisseurs à gérer et optimiser leurs investissements. Avec des outils avancés d'IA et d'automatisation, Finroo démocratise les opportunités d'investissement et rend les informations complexes facilement compréhensibles.

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Finroo is an AI-driven portfolio management platform that empowers investors to scan all their assets in one go. It simplifies complex investments in cryptocurrency, stocks, real estate, and more, making trading a breeze for regular investors.

Comment utiliser Finroo?

To use Finroo, simply download the app, input your assets, and let the AI engine analyze and provide insights for your investments. You can interact with brokers, execute trades, and stay updated on market trends through the platform.

Fonctionnalités principales de Finroo:


AI-driven portfolio management


Asset scanning


Automated trading services


Data analysis


User-friendly platform

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Finroo?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Portfolio management
# 2Investment analysis
# 3Trading automation

Tarification de Finroo:

Basic Plan


Access to basic features and limited data analysis

Pro Plan


Advanced features, full data analysis, and personalized insights

Développé par Finroo?

Finroo Inc. is dedicated to democratizing investment opportunities and making financial markets accessible to all users. With a focus on user feedback and continuous improvement, Finroo aims to simplify the trading process for individuals.

FAQ de Finroo