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Donnez à votre équipe de données la possibilité de se concentrer sur ce qui compte le plus. Répondez instantanément aux questions ad hoc des parties prenantes commerciales.

Listé dans les catégories:

AnalytiqueBusiness IntelligenceIntelligence artificielle


Empower your data team to focus on what matters most. Answer adhoc questions from business stakeholders instantly.

Comment utiliser DaLMatian?

Simply open a file of past queries to get started. DaLM learns the business logic behind the queries and improves as analysts use the IDE more.

Fonctionnalités principales de DaLMatian:


Answer adhoc questions instantly


Provide fast analytics solutions


Empower data team to focus on analysis


Respond to queries in Slack


Learn business logic behind queries

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé DaLMatian?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Instantly answer business stakeholder questions
# 2Cut out time spent on adhoc questions
# 3Focus on revenue-generating analysis

Tarification de DaLMatian:

Basic Plan


Access to basic features and support

Pro Plan


Advanced features and priority support

Développé par DaLMatian?

The maker of this product is dedicated to empowering data teams and providing fast analytics solutions to business stakeholders.

FAQ de DaLMatian