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Command Stick™️ for Android

Command StickTM est un outil breveté basé sur des gestes utilisé pour exécuter des commandes facilement et efficacement.

Listé dans les catégories:

Command Stick™️ for Android-image-0
Command Stick™️ for Android-image-1
Command Stick™️ for Android-image-2
Command Stick™️ for Android-image-3
Command Stick™️ for Android-image-4


Command StickTM is a patented gesture-based tool used to execute commands easily and efficiently.

Comment utiliser Command Stick™️ for Android?

Double click anywhere to summon Command StickTM. Drag through the labelled regions in sequence and release to execute commands. Cancel a command by returning to the center. Once familiar with how CS works, users will find that smaller movements afford greater efficiency. Moving economically through regions streamlines the command process further. Command StickTM is designed to be truly versatile, supporting universal and application-specific commands. Its simplicity means one interface works across desktop, tablet, mobile, and smartwatch devices. In the future, Command StickTM will be implemented across a multitude of smart devices in and outside of the home, allowing users to control a number of supported devices from their smartwatch, phone, etc.

Fonctionnalités principales de Command Stick™️ for Android:


Gesture-based commands


Efficient command execution


Cancel command feature


Versatile interface


Universal and application-specific commands

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Command Stick™️ for Android?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Efficient command execution
# 2Streamlining workflows
# 3Controlling multiple devices

Développé par Command Stick™️ for Android?

Command StickTM is developed by Command Stick. All rights reserved.

FAQ de Command Stick™️ for Android