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Codifyer is a powerful development platform that automates code generation, simplifies database architecture, and streamlines DevOps processes to accelerate software development. It is designed to save time in project development flow and help teams focus on the main logic of their projects.

Comment utiliser Codifyer?

To use Codifyer, choose a pricing plan that suits your needs, sign up for an account, and start exploring the features. You can easily set up and manage databases, automate code generation, and integrate cloud technology to enhance your software development process.

Fonctionnalités principales de Codifyer:


Database Constructor


Code Generation


Cloud Functions

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Codifyer?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Database Management
# 2Code Automation
# 3Cloud Technology Integration

Tarification de Codifyer:



Build with AI, Powerful Database designer, 3 personal projects, 15 tables per project, 1 team member per project, Export 8 times per day



Build with AI, Powerful Database designer, 8 personal projects, 35 tables per project, 3 team members per project, Export 15 times per day



Build with AI, Powerful Database designer, 15 personal projects, 100 tables per project, 5 team members per project, Export 30 times per day

Développé par Codifyer?

Codifyer was introduced in 2023 as a development platform aimed at simplifying coding tasks and enhancing project efficiency. It has since evolved to offer advanced features and support for various technologies, making it a valuable tool for developers of all levels.

FAQ de Codifyer