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BotFast est une solution plug-and-play qui vous permet de personnaliser facilement votre propre bot AI Telegram. Économisez des heures de travail répétitif et lancez votre bot en quelques minutes.

Listé dans les catégories:

Outils de développementIntelligence artificielleDéveloppement


Build your own AI powered Telegram Bots with BotFast. The Python boilerplate provides everything necessary to build and monetize your own AI Telegram bot. This plug-and-play solution is easy to customize, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs effortlessly.

Comment utiliser Botfast?

To use BotFast, simply purchase the desired plan, download the Python boilerplate, customize it to your needs, integrate with Telegram bot payments, and start building your AI Telegram bot. Enjoy the seamless switch between models and lifetime updates for continuous improvement.

Fonctionnalités principales de Botfast:


Custom AI agents creation


Integration with Telegram bot payments


Seamless switch between 5 models


Support for voicenotes, images, and text


Lifetime updates

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Botfast?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Launching startups quickly on Telegram
# 2Building AI therapists and assistants
# 3Creating custom AI agents for communities

Tarification de Botfast:


$129.99 USD

Good for small projects that don't require updates. Includes Python boilerplate, Telegram bot payments integration, 10 predefined AI agents, and lifetime updates.


$169.99 USD

Ideal for comprehensive projects. Includes Python boilerplate, Telegram bot payments integration, 50 predefined AI agents, and lifetime updates. Updated one week ago.

Développé par Botfast?

BotFast provides the Python boilerplate with all the necessary tools to build AI Telegram bots. It aims to help users launch startups quickly on Telegram without the hassle of setting up everything from scratch.

FAQ de Botfast