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BetterIDEa offre une expérience de développement puissante et transparente qui vous permet de vous concentrer sur l'écriture de bon code sans vous soucier de l'exécution.

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One stop environment for developers on Arweave. Start building without setting up an extensive development environment from scratch. You focus on writing good code while we worry about execution and deployment. Getting started is as easy as BetterIDEa provides a powerful and seamless developer experience that lets you focus on writing good code without worrying about execution.

Comment utiliser BetterIDEa?

Introducing AONotebook - a Colab-like ease for Actor-Oriented smart contracts. Try a snippet here for a familiar efficiency and ease of usability. Streamlined workflows to make building easier.

Fonctionnalités principales de BetterIDEa:


CodeCraft clean code


Deploy frictionlessly


Test, Debug, Iterate

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé BetterIDEa?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Build powerful dApps faster with Lua
# 2Develop Actor-Oriented smart contracts
# 3Collaborate like ease on AONotebook

Développé par BetterIDEa?

BetterIDEa is a development platform that aims to simplify the development process for Arweave developers. They provide tools and services to enhance the developer experience and streamline the workflow.

FAQ de BetterIDEa