Atom (MVP)
Créez, éditez et publiez rapidement un blog entièrement fonctionnel en NextJS en utilisant Atom.
Listé dans les catégories:
MarketingÉcritureOutils de développement

Comment utiliser Atom (MVP)?
To get started, install AtomNextJS by running 'npm i atomnextjslatest'. Then, create your blog page route and add the blog page component. Import your API key and the premade blog component to handle the blog page where users can select blog posts to read. Similarly, create your post page route and add the post component. Import your API key and the premade post component to handle the page that includes your blog post text.
Fonctionnalités principales de Atom (MVP):
Create, edit, and publish a fully functioning blog in NextJS quickly using Atom
Create blog page route and add blog page component
Create blog file appblogpagetsx and import API key and premade blog component
Create post page route and add post component
Create post file appblogidpagetsx and import API key and premade post component
Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Atom (MVP)?
# | Cas d'utilisation | Statut | |
# 1 | Ship blogs and articles in minutes | ✅ | |
# 2 | Create and edit blogs in NextJS | ✅ | |
# 3 | Publish blog posts | ✅ |