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Arrange Windows

Arrange Windows est une application macOS qui vous permet de basculer entre différentes configurations de fenêtres pour des tâches spécifiques. Elle est conçue pour vous éviter d'ouvrir et de redimensionner les fenêtres à plusieurs reprises.

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Arrange Windows-image-0
Arrange Windows-image-1


Arrange Windows is a macOS app that helps users switch between different window arrangements for specific tasks. It is designed to save time by eliminating the need to manually open and resize windows repeatedly. For example, users can save window arrangements for tasks like blog writing or video editing and quickly switch between them with a few clicks.

Comment utiliser Arrange Windows?

To use Arrange Windows, simply open the app, save your desired window arrangement for a specific task, and then switch between different layouts as needed. The app provides a user-friendly interface for managing window configurations efficiently.

Fonctionnalités principales de Arrange Windows:


Switch between different window arrangements


Save and retrieve window layouts


Resize and move windows


Enhance productivity by saving time


Improve task organization

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Arrange Windows?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Blog writing window arrangement
# 2Video editing window arrangement
# 3Task-specific window layouts

Développé par Arrange Windows?

The maker of Arrange Windows is focused on creating productivity tools that streamline daily tasks and enhance user experience. With a passion for design and functionality, the maker aims to provide innovative solutions for improving workflow efficiency.

FAQ de Arrange Windows