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ALTO est une application pour Slack qui s'intègre à GitHub, Gitlab et JIRA pour améliorer la productivité de votre équipe de développement, obtenir une visibilité sur le travail quotidien et aider à développer de saines habitudes dès le premier jour.

Listé dans les catégories:

Outils de développementGénie logicielGestion du changement


ALTO is a developer engagement platform that integrates with GitHub, Gitlab, and JIRA to improve team productivity, provide visibility into day-to-day work, and promote healthy habits. It offers Slack reminders for merge requests and pull requests, collects analytics, and feedback about team work, and supports continuous improvement based on historical data.

Comment utiliser ALTO?

Start by signing up for a free 30-day trial of ALTO. Use the platform to improve team productivity, set goals based on historical data, and automate feedback from your team in Slack. Explore the features like Slack reminders, full visibility into team work, and continuous improvement tools.

Fonctionnalités principales de ALTO:


Slack reminders for merge requests and pull requests


Full visibility into day-to-day work of a team


Effortless continuous improvement


Contextual onboarding in Slack


Automate feedback from team in Slack

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé ALTO?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Improving team productivity
# 2Enhancing visibility into team work
# 3Promoting continuous improvement

Tarification de ALTO:



Up to 10 users, Merge Request and Pull Request reminders, Custom Slack notifications settings, Customer Support


Free while in beta

From 10 to 100 users, Merge Request and Pull Request reminders, Custom Slack notifications settings, Customer Support


Custom pricing, 100+ users, Merge Request and Pull Request reminders, Custom Slack notifications settings, Custom integrations, Customer Support

Développé par ALTO?

ALTO's contextual onboarding helps new developers go through a standard onboarding process and provides visibility into team activities. Founded by Alex Kurkin from Brilliant Consulting.