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Une bibliothèque d'interface utilisateur réactive fine avec des abonnements explicites nommés signaux et composants et un support de première classe pour HMR ainsi que SSR.

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Fine grained reactive UI Library with explicit subscriptions and first-class support for HMR and SSR.

Comment utiliser Alfama?

To use alfama, install it via npm or CDN, import the necessary components, and start building reactive UIs with explicit subscriptions and fine-grained updates.

Fonctionnalités principales de Alfama:


Small Fully featured at 9kB gzip


Truly reactive and fine grained updates


Explicit subscriptions for easy reasoning


Signals and Stores for data management


First class HMR for stable experience

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Alfama?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Building reactive user interfaces
# 2Managing complex data structures
# 3Implementing stable HMR experiences

Développé par Alfama?

alfama is developed by the maker with a focus on providing a reactive UI library with a manual subscription model for easy reasoning and stable HMR experiences.

FAQ de Alfama