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Twitter Bookmarks

Organiza tus marcadores de Twitter con IA y descubre los mejores tweets de forma sencilla.

Listado en categorías:

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Your Twitter bookmarks from clutter to clarity. Every last bookmark categorized with AI. Unlock the best tweets you've seen.

Cómo usar Twitter Bookmarks?

1. Import your bookmarks by signing in with Twitter. 2. Let GPT-4 autocategorize your bookmarks. 3. Create your own categories or use the predefined ones. 4. Export your bookmarks in CSV or JSON format.

Características principales de Twitter Bookmarks:


Autocategorization by GPT-4


Support for custom categories


Bulk export in CSV and JSON formats

Por qué podría ser usado Twitter Bookmarks?

#Caso de UsoEstado
# 1Organize Twitter bookmarks efficiently
# 2Find relevant tweets easily
# 3Take action on bookmarked tweets

Precios de Twitter Bookmarks:

All in One Plan

$49.29 USD once

Unlimited bookmarks, 1 account, Export CSV and JSON

Desarrollado por Twitter Bookmarks?

Turn your bookmarks stash into action with the Twitter Bookmarks Manager. Simplify your Twitter bookmark organization and make finding tweets easier.

Preguntas frecuentes de Twitter Bookmarks