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ZeroAI Tool

humanize the ai-like footprints of your websites and texts

Listed in categories:

WritingMarketingArtificial Intelligence
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Chat Data is a platform that allows users to create chatbots using their own data sources. The chatbots can be integrated as widgets on websites or used through various integrations and APIs. Users can start with a free plan and upgrade to paid plans starting at $190 per month.

How to use ZeroAI Tool?

To create a chatbot, users need to connect their data sources, personalize the chatbot training, and integrate the chatbot widget on their website. Users can also utilize the platform's medical chat models for building medical chatbots.

Core features of ZeroAI Tool:


Create Chatbots with your data


Connect data sources


Integrate chatbots as widgets


Chat with chatbots through integrations


API access

Why could be used ZeroAI Tool?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Personalized chatbots for websites
# 2Customer support chatbots
# 3Data-driven chatbots

Pricing of ZeroAI Tool:

Free Plan


Start with a free plan

Paid Plan


Paid plans start at $190 per month

Who developed ZeroAI Tool?

Chat Data LLC is the maker of the Chat Data platform, providing users with tools to create customized chatbots for various purposes.

FAQ of ZeroAI Tool