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Zapzap -image-0
Zapzap -image-1


Zapzap is a browser extension that automates repetitive tasks such as clicking and typing, making development and testing faster and easier.

How to use Zapzap ?

To use Zapzap, simply install the browser extension and customize the automation settings according to your needs.

Core features of Zapzap :


Automated clicking


Automated typing


Customizable configurations


Fast development


Easy customization

Why could be used Zapzap ?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Testing automation
# 2Task automation
# 3Configurations sharing

Pricing of Zapzap :

Zapzap Browser Extension

999 USD

AutoClick Buttons, AutoFill Inputs, Customizations, Lifetime Updates

Who developed Zapzap ?

Jack Makes App

FAQ of Zapzap