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YT Collection for Youtube

Save your favorite YouTube videos in a folder structure

Listed in categories:

YT Collection for Youtube-image-0
YT Collection for Youtube-image-1
YT Collection for Youtube-image-2
YT Collection for Youtube-image-3
YT Collection for Youtube-image-4


YT Collection for Youtube is an app designed to help users collect and organize YouTube videos in a personalized video library. It aims to make it easier for users to find and revisit specific videos based on their interests and needs.

How to use YT Collection for Youtube?

To use YT Collection for Youtube, simply download the app from the Mac App Store, create custom folders to organize your videos, edit video titles for better identification, and sync your video collection across devices using iCloud.

Core features of YT Collection for Youtube:


Organize with Custom Folders


Edit Video Titles


iCloud Sync

Why could be used YT Collection for Youtube?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Creating a personalized video library
# 2Organizing videos by topic or project
# 3Syncing video collection across multiple devices

Who developed YT Collection for Youtube?

RABBITEYE LAB LLP is the developer behind YT Collection for Youtube, dedicated to providing users with a convenient solution for managing and accessing their favorite YouTube videos.

FAQ of YT Collection for Youtube