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YouAsk AI

Chat with Youtube videos to get instant answers & save time

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YouAsk is an AI-powered app that allows users to chat with YouTube videos directly, providing instant answers and maximizing learning efficiency. It transforms YouTube viewing into an interactive dialogue, enabling users to actively engage with various video content.

How to use YouAsk AI?

Simply open the app, select a YouTube video, and start chatting with it to get instant AI-powered answers and engage in interactive dialogue. Use it to enhance your learning experience and save time while watching videos.

Core features of YouAsk AI:


Chat with YouTube videos directly


AI-powered answers


Maximize learning efficiency


Save time


Interactive dialogue with video content

Why could be used YouAsk AI?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Learning from lectures and documentaries
# 2Engaging with seminars
# 3Saving time while watching videos

Pricing of YouAsk AI:


Offers In-App Purchases

Who developed YouAsk AI?

Bora Altinok is the developer behind YouAsk, focusing on creating innovative solutions to enhance the way users interact with video content and learn from online resources.

FAQ of YouAsk AI