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Yomitai is a web-based tool that serves as a reading assistance for Japanese. Upload a picture from a book, point at words you don't know, and Yomitai shows you the reading and meaning. Pin labeled colored annotations to the margins for quick lookup. Improve your language level by enjoying reading Japanese material with Yomitai.

Listed in categories:



Yomitai is a web-based tool that serves as a reading assistance for Japanese. It allows users to upload pictures from books, point at words they don't know, and receive the reading and meaning of those words. Users can pin labeled colored annotations to the margins for easy reference and enjoy reading Japanese material to improve their language level. Yomitai is designed to help language learners read quickly without depending on furigana annotations all the time.

How to use Yomitai?

To use Yomitai, simply upload a picture from a book, point at words you don't know, and view the reading and meaning. You can then pin colored annotations to the margins for future reference and enjoy reading Japanese material to enhance your language skills.

Core features of Yomitai:


Upload picture from book


Point at words you don't know


Show reading and meaning


Pin colored annotations to margins


Improve language level

Why could be used Yomitai?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Language learning assistance
# 2Reading Japanese material
# 3Improving language proficiency

Pricing of Yomitai:

Public Beta Testing


Limited time open for public beta testing

Who developed Yomitai?

Yomitai is developed by Judi Systems, a sole proprietorship based in Tokyo. The creator of Yomitai is a language learner who developed the tool to assist in improving Japanese reading skills.

FAQ of Yomitai