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Yobo P1 is an innovative on-site receptionist robot that offers skills such as detecting visitors, relaying messages, providing quick information, answering FAQs, communicating in multiple languages, tailoring suggestions, recommending products, and actively building leads list.

Listed in categories:

TechArtificial IntelligenceHardware
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Yobo P1 is an innovative on-site robo receptionist that enhances customer interactions and provides valuable assistance. It offers a range of features to streamline communication and engagement.

How to use Yobo P1?

To use Yobo P1, simply set it up at your location and customize its settings to match your business needs. It will automatically detect visitors, relay messages, provide quick information, answer FAQs, and communicate in multiple languages.

Core features of Yobo P1:


Skills Detection


Proactive Messaging


Escalation Support


FAQ Instant Information


Inquiry Communication

Why could be used Yobo P1?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Visitor Engagement
# 2Message Relay
# 3Quick Information Provision

Pricing of Yobo P1:

Early Bird Offer

Starting at $195/month

Special pricing for early adopters

Who developed Yobo P1?

YoboYour is the creator of Yobo P1, a leading provider of innovative AI solutions for businesses.

FAQ of Yobo P1