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Discover the Web‘s Hidden Gems

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User ExperienceWeb Design


Xomila is a Chrome extension that randomly visits beautifully curated websites, exposing users to the internet's hidden wonders. It takes users on a journey through unique and captivating sites, sparking inspiration and expanding digital horizons.

How to use Xomila?

To use Xomila, simply add the Chrome extension to your browser. Once installed, Xomila will randomly visit curated websites, exposing you to hidden gems on the internet.

Core features of Xomila:


Randomly visit curated websites


Expose users to hidden internet gems


Spark inspiration and expand digital horizons

Why could be used Xomila?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Discovering new websites
# 2Exploring hidden internet wonders
# 3Inspiring creativity

Who developed Xomila?

Xomila is developed by a team of passionate web enthusiasts dedicated to uncovering the best of the internet.

FAQ of Xomila