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The Supervised AI Bots plugin allows you to seamlessly integrate Supervised AI chatbots directly into your WordPress website enabling interactive chatbot functionality for your visitors.

Listed in categories:

WordPressArtificial IntelligenceOpen Source


The Supervised AI Bots plugin allows you to seamlessly integrate Supervised AI chatbots directly into your WordPress website enabling interactive chatbot functionality for your visitors.

How to use WPAI?

1. Download the plugin zip file from the Supervised AI Bots WordPress Plugin Page 2. Upload the plugin files to the wp-content/plugins/supervisedaibots directory or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly 3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress 4. Visit the Supervised AI Bots settings page to configure your chatbots and add them to your site 5. Add the URLs of your Supervised AI chatbots with one URL per line in the provided textarea 6. Use the [supervisedaibot] shortcode with the botid attribute to display a specific chatbot on your WordPress pages or posts

Core features of WPAI:


Add multiple Supervised AI chatbots to your WordPress site


Customize the appearance and behavior of the chatbots


Easy-to-use shortcode integration for displaying chatbots on pages and posts


Simple administration interface for managing chatbot settings

Why could be used WPAI?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Enhance user engagement on your website
# 2Provide interactive customer support through chatbots
# 3Collect feedback and data from visitors

Who developed WPAI?

Developed by Supervised AI