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WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin

Monetize content with paywalls using this WP plugin

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The WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin is a powerful tool that allows website owners to monetize their content by charging visitors to access restricted pages and posts for a limited time. It also includes a paywall solution for managing pricing plans and subscriptions.

How to use WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin?

After installing the Pay Per Post Plugin, define pricing plans, pricing tiers, select posts and pages for each plan, add a shortcode to user dashboards, and monitor plugin performance and subscriptions from the admin panel.

Core features of WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin:


Charge visitors to access restricted pages and posts


Support direct payment using WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads


Create unlimited pricing plans with different time durations


Automatically detect user subscriptions and display content accordingly


Generate detailed reports on active subscriptions

Why could be used WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Monetize content by charging for access to premium posts
# 2Create subscription-based access to groups of posts
# 3Offer flexible pricing plans for different time durations

Pricing of WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin:

Pay Per Post Direct payment

$69 for 1 website

Charge visitors to access restricted content directly using WooCommerce or EDD

Pay Per Post MicroPayments

$119 for 1 website

Support microtransactions for accessing content using virtual currency

Who developed WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin?

CreativeMinds is a leading developer of premium WordPress and Magento products, offering turnkey solutions and services for website owners. They provide top-notch support and innovative solutions to enhance the online experience for their customers.

FAQ of WordPress Pay Per Post Plugin