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WordPress Onboarding Plugin

Craft captivating site walkthroughs, elevate user onboarding

Listed in categories:

User ExperienceCommunity
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The WordPress Onboarding Plugin is a tool that empowers users to create captivating website walkthroughs, user-friendly guided tours, and helpful guidance widgets to enhance the user onboarding experience and provide robust support for user training.

How to use WordPress Onboarding Plugin?

To use the WordPress Onboarding Plugin, customize the onboarding tool type, position, size, color, and font. Add multiple types of content within each help item campaign, such as text, HTML, images, videos, and audio. Target specific WordPress website pages, choose available templates, and display the tour and help items on selected pages. Users can interact with the help items as needed.

Core features of WordPress Onboarding Plugin:


Interactive website walkthrough


Customizable content and icons


Onboarding process support


Interactive in-app guidance


Employee training software solution

Why could be used WordPress Onboarding Plugin?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Improving user onboarding experience
# 2Increasing time spent on site
# 3Reducing the need for support

Pricing of WordPress Onboarding Plugin:

ESSENTIAL Pro User OnBoarding

$39 for 1 website

Includes 1 year product updates, 1 year product support, and a 30-day money-back guarantee

ADVANCED User OnBoarding Popup plugin bundle

$69 for 3 websites

Includes 1 year product updates, 1 year product support, and a 30-day money-back guarantee

ULTIMATE Content Marketing Bundle with User OnBoarding 7 Plugins

$119 for 10 websites

Includes 1 year product updates, 1 year product support, and a 30-day money-back guarantee

Who developed WordPress Onboarding Plugin?

CreativeMinds is a leading developer of premium WordPress and Magento products, offering turnkey solutions, WordPress and Magento services, and a range of plugins and extensions.

FAQ of WordPress Onboarding Plugin