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White Space Club Newsletter

A weekly newsletter on Product Design

Listed in categories:

NewslettersUX Design
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The White Space Club is a weekly newsletter that focuses on product design case studies, learnings, and best practices. It aims to filter out the noise in the design knowledge space and deliver valuable insights to its subscribers.

How to use White Space Club Newsletter?

Subscribe to The White Space Club newsletter to receive weekly updates on product design case studies, learnings, and best practices.

Core features of White Space Club Newsletter:


Curated product design case studies


Sharing best practices in product design


Filtering out design noise


Delivering valuable design insights


Weekly newsletter subscription

Why could be used White Space Club Newsletter?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Staying updated on product design trends
# 2Learning from real-world case studies
# 3Improving product design skills

Who developed White Space Club Newsletter?

The White Space Club is created by István Jakab, a design enthusiast who curates valuable design content for subscribers.

FAQ of White Space Club Newsletter