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Wepix AI

AI camera & filters

Listed in categories:

Artificial IntelligencePhoto editing
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Wepix AI is an AI photographer that creates digital avatars and generates stunningly realistic photos. It offers a diverse range of photo shoot locations and themes, along with a comprehensive set of AI filters to enhance photo aesthetics.

How to use Wepix AI?

To use Wepix AI, simply upload at least 9 selfies to create your own AI avatar. Then, explore the diverse photo shoot locations and themes, apply AI filters to enhance your photos, and switch between different dimensions to make your photos more distinctive and attractive. Share your creations to inspire others.

Core features of Wepix AI:


Create digital avatars


Generate realistic photos


Apply AI filters


Switch between dimensions


Immerse in fantasy and adventure

Why could be used Wepix AI?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Professional photo shoots
# 2Travel photography
# 3Aesthetic portraiture

Pricing of Wepix AI:


Offers In-App Purchases

Year subscription: Free for 3 days, then $29.90/year. Week subscription: $4.99/week.

Who developed Wepix AI?

Wepix AI is developed by Wepix AI, a team dedicated to creating innovative AI photography solutions for users to unleash their creativity.

FAQ of Wepix AI