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Wealth Beacon

Your financial dashboard redefined

Listed in categories:

Data VisualizationPersonal FinanceFintech
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Wealth Beacon is a financial dashboard redefined to be your perfect investment companion. It provides coverage of stocks, ETFs, dividends, cryptocurrencies, real estate, and precious metals. Built by investors for investors, it offers simple data ingestion, a community to learn and grow, and transparent pricing plans.

How to use Wealth Beacon?

To use Wealth Beacon, import your transaction history from supported brokers, join the community to learn and grow, and start tracking your investments easily and transparently.

Core features of Wealth Beacon:


Stocks coverage from NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, and Nasdaq Baltics


ETFs support from all supported exchanges


Dividend calendar for cashflow tracking


Crypto investment tracking


Real estate and precious metals value tracking (in development)

Why could be used Wealth Beacon?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Track and manage stock investments
# 2Monitor and analyze ETF performance
# 3Plan and track dividend income
# 4Manage cryptocurrency investments
# 5Track real estate and precious metals values

Pricing of Wealth Beacon:

Early Bird Free Trial


Try for free for 30 days, no credit card required. Includes stock portfolio access, dividends yield calculation, cryptocurrencies module access, and real estate module access.


$4.99/month + VAT

Stock portfolio access for all supported regions, access to dividends yield calculation, access to cryptocurrencies module, access to real estate module.

Who developed Wealth Beacon?

Wealth Beacon is developed by a team of financial experts including Aaditya Parashar (Co-founder & CEO), Karl Markus Jägila (Chief Product Officer), Ott Gridassov (Head of Sales & Community), and Reijo Olavi Komu (Co-founder & CTO). They have built the platform to solve real issues faced by investors in managing their portfolios.

FAQ of Wealth Beacon