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Watermark Wiz

Really free online photo watermark maker

Listed in categories:

PhotographyEventsDesign Tools
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Watermark Wiz is a free online photo watermark maker designed to help users effortlessly add watermarks to their photos. It provides a simple, user-friendly, and unlimited solution for batch photo protection and brand exposure.

How to use Watermark Wiz?

To use Watermark Wiz, simply visit the website and upload your photos. Customize the watermark settings as needed and apply the watermark to your photos. Download the watermarked images for use.

Core features of Watermark Wiz:


Unlimited free service for adding watermarks to photos


Batch photo protection


Brand exposure through watermarking


User-friendly interface


No restrictions on the number of photos that can be watermarked

Why could be used Watermark Wiz?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Photographers protecting their photos
# 2Event organizers adding branding to photos for exposure

Who developed Watermark Wiz?

TagBox is a startup building tools to help creative teams organize their visual assets using AI. Watermark Wiz is a project by their marketing team to provide a free and unlimited photo watermarking service.

FAQ of Watermark Wiz