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Walking Games: Explora

Gamified step tracker app, get motivated to walk every day

Listed in categories:

AndroidHealth & FitnessiOS
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Walking Games: Explora-image-1


Explora is a motion and fitness tracker app designed to gamify walking and running activities, providing motivation and encouragement to achieve fitness goals. It offers various features such as converting steps into XP points, unlocking collectible characters, participating in monthly step challenges, and completing virtual hikes to level up. The app aims to make walking and running more enjoyable and engaging through gamification.

How to use Walking Games: Explora?

To use Explora, simply download the app from the App Store, create an account, and start tracking your steps. Convert your steps into XP points, unlock characters, and participate in challenges to stay motivated and improve your fitness levels.

Core features of Walking Games: Explora:


Convert steps into XP points


Unlock collectible characters


Participate in monthly step challenges


Complete virtual hikes


Set personalized goals

Why could be used Walking Games: Explora?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Increasing daily step count
# 2Staying motivated to exercise regularly
# 3Progressing gradually in fitness levels

Pricing of Walking Games: Explora:


Offers In-App Purchases

Who developed Walking Games: Explora?

Explora Apps is the developer behind the Explora app, focusing on creating innovative solutions to promote physical activity and wellness through gamification.

FAQ of Walking Games: Explora