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Vocal is a free native macOS application designed for transcribing YouTube videos and local video files with exceptional accuracy. It offers a simple, fast, and elegant interface for users to easily convert video content into text.

How to use Vocal App?

To use Vocal, download the app from the releases page, install the necessary prerequisites (Python, Homebrew, and ytdlp), and then launch Vocal to start transcribing your videos.

Core features of Vocal App:


Easy YouTube Integration: Just paste any YouTube URL


Local Video Support: Drag, drop, or click to upload local video files


Smart Formatting: Automatically formats transcriptions into readable paragraphs


Multiple Export Options: Copy or save transcriptions with a single click


Progress Tracking: Real-time progress bars for both download and transcription

Why could be used Vocal App?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Content Creation: Quickly transcribe video content for blogs or articles
# 2Research: Convert video interviews or lectures into searchable text
# 3Accessibility: Make video content accessible through text

Who developed Vocal App?

Vocal is developed by Nuance, a team dedicated to creating innovative solutions for video transcription and accessibility, leveraging modern technologies like SwiftUI and Apple's Speech Recognition framework.

FAQ of Vocal App