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VisualBox is a desktop application that allows you to create personalized widgets for quick access and personalized information. Explore the variety of browser widgets, calendar, weather, gallery, notes, clock, statistics, currency converter, and more. Customize your desktop to reflect your style, needs, and preferences with VisualBox.

Listed in categories:

WindowsUser ExperienceMac


VisualBox is a desktop customization tool that empowers users to personalize their desktops with customizable widgets for quick access to personalized information. It offers a variety of widgets including browser, calendar, weather, gallery, note, clock, shortcut, stats, and currency. VisualBox aims to provide a personalized desktop experience that goes beyond the ordinary.

How to use VisualBox?

To use VisualBox, simply download the app and start customizing your desktop with the wide range of widgets available. Personalize your desktop to reflect your style and preferences, integrate web content with browser widgets, and organize your workspace with interactive Bubbles. VisualBox supports both Mac and Windows platforms, allowing you to create a cohesive and personalized environment across different desktops.

Core features of VisualBox:


Customizable widgets


Browser widgets




Multi-platform support



Why could be used VisualBox?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Personalization
# 2Browser widgets integration
# 3Multi-desktop customization

Pricing of VisualBox:


Choose your own price

Who developed VisualBox?

CloudBit is the maker of VisualBox, inviting users to join an exciting journey to shape the future of the app. Users can contribute to the development of VisualBox by choosing the price that feels right for them, supporting the continuous improvement and delivery of an exceptional user experience.

FAQ of VisualBox