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Vincent App

Track revenue across multiple Stripe accounts

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Vincent app is a revenue tracking tool that allows users to monitor revenue across multiple Stripe accounts in one centralized platform. It provides a bird's eye view of all revenue sources, eliminating the need to access individual accounts separately. The product is currently in beta and was created by JRosen.

How to use Vincent App?

To use Vincent app, simply sign up for a free account and connect your Stripe accounts. Once connected, you can start tracking revenue across multiple accounts and view all revenue sources in one place.

Core features of Vincent App:


Track revenue across multiple Stripe accounts


Centralized view of all revenue sources


Beta version


Created by JRosen

Why could be used Vincent App?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Monitor revenue from different sources
# 2Simplify revenue tracking process
# 3Access all revenue data in one place

Pricing of Vincent App:


Get started for free

Who developed Vincent App?


FAQ of Vincent App