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Elevate Your Video Learning with Effortless Note-Taking!

Listed in categories:

NotesOnline LearningEducation


VidWrite is a note-taking tool that allows users to easily copy notes from videos and paste them into their favorite apps. It offers a customizable interface for personalized notetaking and is currently in beta with continuous enhancements in progress.

How to use Vidwrite?

To use VidWrite, simply sign up for an account, log in, and start copying notes from videos. You can then paste the notes into your preferred apps or anywhere you like. Customize your interface to create your ideal notetaking environment.

Core features of Vidwrite:


Copy notes from videos


Paste notes into favorite apps


Customize interface for personalized notetaking

Why could be used Vidwrite?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Taking notes from online tutorials
# 2Creating study notes from educational videos
# 3Transcribing important information from webinars

Who developed Vidwrite?

2024 VidWrite

FAQ of Vidwrite