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Video Speed Controller Plus

Chrome extension to control video speed.

Listed in categories:

Chrome ExtensionsBrowser Extensions
Video Speed Controller Plus-image-0


Video Speed Controller Plus is a browser extension that allows users to speed up or slow down videos on major OTT platforms such as YouTube, Netflix, and Hotstar. It can also be used on social media platforms, providing a simple yet effective way to control video playback speed.

How to use Video Speed Controller Plus?

To use Video Speed Controller Plus, download the extension, pin it to the extension bar, open any desired OTT platform, and use shortcut keys or the extension's popup window to adjust the playback speed of the video.

Core features of Video Speed Controller Plus:


Speed up or slow down videos on major OTT platforms


Compatible with Chrome, Firefox, and other popular browsers


Use shortcut keys for easy control


Adjust playback speed from 0.25x to 8.00x


Free to use

Why could be used Video Speed Controller Plus?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Speeding up boring clips
# 2Adjusting playback speed for better viewing experience
# 3Enhancing video watching on various platforms

Who developed Video Speed Controller Plus?

The developer of Video Speed Controller Plus has not identified themselves as a trader and has disclosed that they will not collect or use user data for any other purposes than the extension's core functionality.

FAQ of Video Speed Controller Plus