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Fact-Check Your Article In 1 Minute

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VerifactAI -image-0
VerifactAI -image-1
VerifactAI -image-2


VerifactAI is a platform dedicated to verifying facts and information. It provides tools and services to help users authenticate and validate data.

How to use VerifactAI ?

To use VerifactAI, simply sign up for an account, log in with your credentials, and start verifying facts and information. You can use the tools provided to authenticate data and validate information.

Core features of VerifactAI :


Fact verification


Data authentication


Information validation


User verification


Security measures

Why could be used VerifactAI ?

#Use caseStatus
# 1News verification
# 2Research validation
# 3User authentication

Pricing of VerifactAI :

Basic Plan


Access to basic fact verification tools

Pro Plan


Advanced features for data authentication and user verification

Who developed VerifactAI ?

VerifactAI is developed by a team of experts in data analysis and information verification. They are dedicated to providing reliable tools for fact-checking and data authentication.

FAQ of VerifactAI