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UXPin Merge AI

Build UI for your admin panels 86x faster using top open-source libraries like MUI, Ant Design, Tailwind, and Bootstrap. Design with coded UI components, just drag and drop ready building blocks. Explore pattern examples and templates for open-source libraries. Export fully functional React code with no additional translation needed. Book a demo now!

Listed in categories:

Artificial IntelligenceDesign ToolsDeveloper Tools
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UXPin is a rapid UI prototyping tool that allows you to build functional layouts using top open-source libraries like MUI, Ant Design, Tailwind, and Bootstrap. Design layouts 86 times faster by creating interactive UI without writing a single line of code. Simply drag and drop ready building blocks to design with coded UI components.

How to use UXPin Merge AI?

To use UXPin, simply drag and drop ready building blocks to design your UI. Explore pattern examples and templates for open-source libraries, create your UI from scratch with built-in interactions and responsiveness, and generate clean FrontEnd code with no additional translation needed.

Core features of UXPin Merge AI:


Build UI for admin panels


Design layouts 86 times faster


Connect your own library


UI Exploration - Interactive Prototyping


Design System Development and Documentation

Why could be used UXPin Merge AI?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Create UI from scratch with built-in interactions and responsiveness
# 2Develop and share Design System and saved patterns with team
# 3Generate clean FrontEnd code with no additional translation needed

Pricing of UXPin Merge AI:

Free Trial


Try UXPin for free with open-source libraries

Enterprise Plan

Custom pricing for enterprise solutions

Who developed UXPin Merge AI?

UXPin Inc is the maker of UXPin, a leading rapid UI prototyping tool. They provide innovative solutions for designers and developers to create functional layouts efficiently.

FAQ of UXPin Merge AI