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Show Total Population of each State in US from 2016 to 2021.

Listed in categories:



APITotal is a tool that provides information on the total population of each state in 2021. It utilizes the Census Bureau Data API to gather and display this data.

How to use uscensusstats?

To use APITotal, simply input the state code or state name to retrieve the total population of that state in 2021.

Core features of uscensusstats:


Retrieve total population of each state in 2021


Access state codes for each state


Utilize Census Bureau Data API

Why could be used uscensusstats?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Research population demographics
# 2Analyze state population trends
# 3Compare population data across states

Who developed uscensusstats?

The maker of APITotal is not specified in the provided text.

FAQ of uscensusstats