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Urgent Notes

Register tasks anytime via global shortcuts.Browse anywhere.

Listed in categories:

Task ManagementUser ExperienceNotes
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Urgent Notes is a productivity tool that helps users quickly jot down tasks and memos to stay focused on their work. It provides a simple and efficient way to capture stray thoughts and externalize them for later reference.

How to use Urgent Notes?

To use Urgent Notes, simply write down your task or memo and press Enter to send it to the server. You can open and close the UI with a single command. For Windows, use Ctrl + Insert, for Mac use CMD + Insert, and for Linux use Ctrl + Insert.

Core features of Urgent Notes:


Ability to output tasks with the shortest UI


Task registration UI with desktop application


Web application for viewing tasks


Quick task jotting and sending to server


Easy open and close UI command

Why could be used Urgent Notes?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Capturing sudden tasks or memos
# 2Staying focused on important work
# 3Externalizing stray thoughts

Who developed Urgent Notes?

Urgent Notes is developed by a team of dedicated professionals who aim to enhance productivity and focus for users.

FAQ of Urgent Notes